SEDIT (Social and Economic Development Initiatives of Tanzania) is a member based, Tanzanian Non Governmental Organization, Registered on 23 February 2005 under the Registrar of Societies of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the United Republic of Tanzania with Registration Number: SO 13048.
We are the “Change Agents”! SEDIT is a “CHANGE AGENT”, an organization with the proven technical expertise and competence of working with communities to trigger change that will enable communities to improve their livelihood in a sustainable way. SEDIT fosters partnership approach and develop strong ties with strategic partners to secure projects.
Key thematic areas that SEDIT is committed include financial inclusion, savings groups using VICOBA and VSLAs, Rural development, Sustainable livelihoods, microfinance, enterprise development, environmental conservation and natural resources management, health and sanitation etc.
THE VICOBA MODEL VICOBA (Village Community Banks) It is participatory grass root development model operating through self selected groups of people of 25-30 members who are essentially in smaller groups of fives called collateral groups (these acts like pressure groups). Members elect management committee; all members are trained on business management, entrepreneurship and group management on their weekly meetings. The banking operation starts by pre determining group share value, of which can Tsh.3000, 5000, 10,000 etc, each member has to buy between 1-3 shares per week plus other pre determined health, education and group operations funds. To-date, SEDIT has over 4000 groups with over 100000 members in 40 districts, group capital amounts to over Tsh.50 Bil. OUR PROGRAMMES 01.
Sedit Vision “Vibrant community, determining its destiny by managing sustainable livelihoods.”
Sedit Mission SEDIT Promotes enabling environment for sustainable livelihood development by employing participatory approaches.
Sedit Core Values We are independent, multicultural and non-party political.
Sedit Strategic Objectives SEDIT implements five strategic objectives: *Advocate for natural resource and sustainable livelihood management
Household income poverty: inability of low-income communities to generate additional sustainable income to improve their livelihood.
Our Goal
Strengthen the capacity of the organization to manage projects competently and successfully trigger change to the targeted communities.